woensdag 30 januari 2013

Question from an Appreciative Inquiry practitioner:  

"I have been asked by an organization to help them defining their corporate values and then define their observable leadership behaviour. I have proposed them to organize one day event with a group of people. Did  you do such an event ? What has been the question you asked them to come to their values?"


My suggestion/ answer:

"Rather than "the question" we need to look at the "process of questioning" towards defining the corporate values. One can have participants to explore succesfull situations of dillema, succesfull situations of decisions in times of conflicting issues and have these explored in an appreciative dialogue.

At different group interventions I did facilitate on the topic of values. Not by always using a "standard default intellectualising question" but rather by exploring practices and asking about which values were at stake.

At one occasion I even used photography as a means to surface their values.

In small groups - each equipped with a little digital camera - I assigned the participants to make a picture representing a very important value for their organisation. During the course of the 3-day workshop they were given ample time to debate about it, take pictures and decide on which one picture best represented the value. Each group handed in their best picture which were plenary presented. A winner was elected to have a "cherish on their cake" but the process was the most important of course."

I am happy to assist organisations around the world on their avenue towards Human excellence – be it in profit or not-for-profit organisations.  Should you wish to discuss an assignment, you can email me on jsomers@scarlet.be



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